Picture this (in my Sophia from Golden Girls voice), you’re sound asleep, tucked away in your warm and cozy bed, the lights are off, and your blackout curtains are allowing for you to stay in the dark for as long as you desire.
All of the sudden, someone storms into your room, flips the light switch on, and swiftly pulls the drapes wide open, for the blinding sun to beam directly into your abruptly awakened eyes. What’s your first reaction?
Irritated much?
How about just outright Angry?
You’re either going to allow for your eyes to adjust to the light, or you're going to close the drapes, to willfully stay in the dark.
Well, that’s how God’s revelation of our identity feels like at first. I’ll never forget the moment when God called me out of my dark place, to step into the light of who He created me to be. You want to talk about discomfort? I wish I could tell you that all was going well in my life and God just spoke to me softly, and I dropped everything and decided to go to the mountaintop of my dreams.
I battled with deep depression and anxiety (I'm talking monthly visiting to the ER for panic attacks), self-love was a struggle for me, I was toxic, my professional relationships were toxic, my marriage was on the verge of ending, and I was on the verge of wanting to end my life. But in my rage, when my body collapsed on the pavement, from a nervous breakthrough, I believe that was God saying, “enough is enough my child”, It’s time for you to Become who I have called you to be. And I had to sit with that instruction. For years I had to let God re-write my narrative. For every word I spoke against myself, you know that inner critic liar spewing nothing but lies.
“You’re not enough."
"You’re an illegitimate child and you don’t belong here."
You’re ugly and an Imposter" blah blah blah….
God had to show me why I was wrong. He began to give me affirmations from His word and gracefully broke my heart open, in the most benevolent way.
The TRUTH is:
"I am fearful and wonderfully made!'
"I am worthy of the calling God has purposed me for!"
"I am God’s righteousness!"
"I am a joint heir with Christ Jesus!"
"I am a masterpiece, and most of all I am Loved."
When the light of Christ shined on my life, I was able to step into it, because no other light was able to offer me the wholeness I began to feel. So, I stepped into it, uncomfortable, but I made the decision.
Since making the decision to BECOME and live from affirmation as opposed to living for it. My company's business revenues increased 248% in just one year, I have enough bandwidth to spend time with my family, I get to help women all over the world embrace their God-given identity and build lives and businesses of abundance, and most importantly, I am fulfilled and free.
I want the same for every woman-owned business. I want every woman to feel the harmony of life and work that God has blessed me with.
As I stated in my last blog post “Healing Parental Patterns Can Transform Your Life and Business”.
"Our lives and businesses will only grow as far as our deepest wound."
I would like to couple that with,
"Your Business is a Manifestation of Who You Are?"
So, Who Are You?
Are you fulfilled with that answer? If not, identify who you desire to become?
And Go BE!
"Do not conform to the pattern of this world but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is, His good and pleasing and perfect will." ~ Romans 12:2
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