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Journey to CEO is a sacred space where visionaries can be enlightened, empowered and equipped on the Journey to becoming the CEO of our lives, careers and businesses. 

Be Whole. Discover Purpose. Live Abundantly.

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Be Whole. 
Discover Purpose.
Live Abundantly.

Phase 1: Corporate Grind

I AM gifted, talented, and ready to escape the 9-5 grind.

You know the value and brilliance you add to every organization you’ve worked for, and you’re finally ready to “bet on yourself.” The catch is: you need help. You’re not exactly sure what your mission is and you are multi-passionate. Or maybe you’re comfortable with the regular paycheck and the thought of letting that go feels scary. You’re not alone! LRP Agency will walk you through a paradigm-shifting process to clarify your mission and come up with a distinguishing brand identity.

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Phase 2: Purpose Hustle

I AM ready to make my next move, my best move!

You are no longer willing to waste time and energy on chasing a check to supplement income. You are done saying “Yes” to every opportunity, and over-committing to clients who don’t align with your values. You are ready for your life and business to grow and work for you. You just need help planning it. Together we will create your strategic “Purpose Blueprint” so that you can honor where you are, while strategizing your next moves.  

Phase 3: Get Out!

I AM ready to take the leap and bet on myself.

You have a vision, and you are ready to step into being the true Lady Boss you were called to be. You’re done waiting for a sign, you are no longer dreaming about it, and you're ready to live it. LRP Agency will guide you in creating a smooth “Exit Strategy” so that you can get out of the corporate grind with ease and launch your sustainable life leading your high impact business. Welcome to your Great Resignation!

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Phase 4: Find Your Flow

I AM Creating the Life and Business of my dreams.

Congratulations! This is our favorite part of the journey. You are finding what works for you. This is your life and business; so the blueprint needs to work for you. LRP Agency will help craft your “work/life” harmony plan so that you can clearly enforce your boundaries and scale without compromising your values or life balance. 

Phase 5: Build

I AM built to last because my foundation is solid.

In Phase 1-4, you’ve done the internal work by solidifying your strategic vision. You’ve crafted your very own CEO Purpose blueprint and now it’s time to build your abundant life and business, brick-by-brick. LRP Agency will provide you with a strategic method, cloud solutions, business resources and automation tools that will help you manage your life and grow your business abundantly.


Phase 6: Test It

My gifts, skills and experience are tested, tried, and true.

This is where you get to test the efficiency of your new life and business. You’ve done the inner and outer work. You are now clear to integrate your mission and identity in the marketplace. LRP Agency provides you with launch support from a mind, body, and soul perspective. We are here to ensure your holistic success as you launch into the marketplace as a Founder and CEO.

Phase 7: Own It

I AM a CEO, I AM enough, I know who I AM, and whatever I desire is within my reach.

Now it’s time for you to OWN IT! Owning it looks like relishing in your power, Divinity, and worthiness of leading such a blessed and bountiful life.  LRP Agency will educate, empower, and equip you with everything you need to build and run your sustainable life and business of impact. We provide launch support and membership-based mentorship to keep you growing and plugged into the community of other CEO's like you. 


CONGRATULATIONS, this is only the beginning of your ultimate fulfillment as the CEO of your life & business!  

Journey to CEO is For You

You're ready to leave your toxic 9-5 grind and start building the life and business of your dreams. 

Your exhausting "team no-sleep", "Sunday Blues", grind lifestyle is leaving you bitter & broken. 

You have the gifts and the "Big Vision" but no idea how to create a sustainable business.

You're ready to pivot and Scale your existing business.


You're ready to walk in freedom by spending more time on living rather than existing. 

You are comfortable with working your 9-5 and don't desire to walk in full-time entrepreneurship. 

You prefer to work harder and not smarter. 

You have no desire to create a life and business you love, that won't compromise your core values.

You know you're gifted, but you prefer to stay safe, right where you are.

You're not ready to walk in total freedom and build the life of your dreams. 

Journey to CEO is NOT For You

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Check out the Journey to CEO Podcast.

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